Mom's Beauty Secrets

Frequently Asked Questions

The oils in the soaps may go rancid after 2 years. So both the soaps and body butters should be used within 2 years after purchase.

Sodium hydroxide is also known as Lye and it is the agent that converts oils to soap. You can’t make soap without Sodium hydroxide and soaps that are made with Lye are still considered to be natural soaps.

Yes, soaps made with lye are safe to use on the skin once they have been properly cured. This usually takes between 4 to 6 weeks but at Mom’s Beauty Secrets, all soaps are cured for at least 7 weeks. This leads to harder and longer lasting soaps.  Once the lye converts, the extra oils remain and this results in a more moisturizing bar.

Stearic acid functions as an emollient, emulsifier, cleansing and texture-enhancing ingredient in skin care formulas. It has been shown to protect skin’s surface against water loss and help shore up skin’s protective barrier.

Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation. Many experts suggest antioxidants protect us from premature aging, heart disease, cancer, and possibly depression and anxiety.

Feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns.

Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled, modified or changed in any way. But feel free to call 202-854-8416 within 24hrs from when the order is placed to see if it can be edited.

Do you have any more questions that weren’t listed above? Feel free to get in touch and leave a message.